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   3  1987 S.A.E.C.
   2 TROLL     
   2 ;"PRESS A KEY":
   2 ;"IS LOADING":
   1 which is the last treasure.       Go back to the canyon, BEAM MEto return to the space ship,    pick up the card and go to the  utility room. You should now    have eleven treasures. All that remains is to  find the dymethi-um ingots to get your own ship  going again.
   1 utility room for later use.       On the north wall of the      engine room you will find a     grille - unscrew it, but do not go north. This leads into a     diabolical maze of air conditio-ning tubes, but this is the way
   1 to bring them, the mirror and   the bulb. To the south of the   library is the study where you  should examine the drawing (thisis one of the few times when theexamine command elicits a usefulmessage.
   1 the helm. Take the bulb and go  east, south and down and get theoctopus. Going north, west and  up will bring you to familiar   territory. Go back to the hut,  read the sign and drop the helm to complete the game.
   1 the diamond in the small store  north of the archive room. Thesemust be taken and dropped in theutility room to increase your   score, but as you can only carryfive items, this means a couple of trips.
   1 space suit. You will need the   space suit again later, as you  have to go out to find the      pirates and get the one treasurethey have with them.
   1 slot in the SE door. This leads to the armoury and the laser    rifle.
   1 self in the engine room. In the control room to the east, you   will see an anti-grav raft,     which will follow you if you    press the button. Take the      pearls to the utility room,     collect the paste and eat it    (for energy) then pick up the   rope and go to the catwalk abovethe hold. Torch on, then tie    cord, tie rope and go down to   the south end of the hold.
   1 sacrifice the frog with the     dagger. The dagger will now     explode in a fountain of light  creating a beautiful jade frog  and several rare gems, plus at  the same time slowing the water-fall to reveal a hidden cave.   Transport the frog and the gems back to the house.
   1 return to the black pearl you   passed earlier and transport it.  
   1 place, although some locations  have two way exits, so it is    best to map this area separate- ly. There are six locations on  the north edge and six down on  the east edge, with another     eleven locations in between.
   1 patio. I'll give you one tip    about this game - you'll have todress up as Father Christmas so don't overlook the shaving foam!
   1 paint spray before swinging     away on his web. Take the remotecontrol unit. Return to the time
   1 out. The way to go into the     maze, which you have to do to   find the cord and another       treasure (pearls) is through thegrille on the west wall of the  communications room.
   1 no, well, game over!              
   1 machine, not forgetting to turn off your lamp to pass the       octopus.
   1 in the captain's cabin and get  you a jewel. One more treasure  to take to the utility room is  the Lattice from the communicat-ions room and then you are readyto don your space suit and go   out to find the pirates and the last treasure.
   1 impressed with your show of coolhe raises his thumb and a eunochopens a trapdoor thinking you   are to be spared. Caesar        realises his mistake and throws his golden laurels at you which you catch as you dive into the  opening. God, You're lucky!
   1 if you don't do this whenever"
   1 how to tackle adventures. The   six adventures range from being easy to complete, to moderately difficult, and difficult. The   solutions to the first two      adventures can be accessed by   using HELP.
   1 great offence and kill you,     instead, use the blowpipe on    him. Take and give his body to  the carnivorous plant.
   1 going into the maze again! But  you won't get lost if you       follow these directions - W,W,W,S,NW to dymethium chamber. OPEN FREEZER, GET INGOTS, PUT INGOTS (in freezer), CLOSE FREEZER, go S,N,W,W to the engine room.
   1 go NORTH to the crystal orb.    Transport it back to the house.   
   1 down a cliff face without break-ing a glass wand, and getting   past a fierce dog.
   1 cotton fields to an encounter   with a griffin. Well, what are  you waiting for? You have a dartand a hollow reed. Use them!
   1 confronted by an android. Shoot the first one, but let the      second one throw you in the     brig, as long as you have the   card. EXAM DOOR, (you only need the first four letters of any   command or object) then PUT HANDTHROUGH BARS, INSERT CARD, then go N,S,U to a couple of moves   from the utility room, where youcan leave the rope temporarily.
   1 churns in the dairy to find a   silver ring and transport it. Inthe barn the geiger counter willemit rapid clicks indicating    that something is there so      search the straw. You will find a nuclear battery which you     should take and then return to  the time machine.
   1 choice will determine what you  read on the screen e.g. if you  take the part of the mother and go to the shed you will be told-You are not normally allowed    into this shed as it is consid- ered to be your husbands domain.
   1 bring on the end of the game if you do not have the necessary   item to release yourself. You   must allow the android to       through you in the brig once,   because in there you will find arope, which is necessary for thecompletion of the game. But any other time you meet an android, you can shoot it, provided you  have found the armoury and armedyourself with a laser rifle.
   1 Z$="                                "
   1 You should now emerge on a    shingle beach, but if you don't,re-enter the time machine and   try again.
   1 You are told by the Sungod that the Moon Raydiator has stolen   the eight rays that should make up tomorrow's sun. Without the  rays the sun cannot shine and   all things will perish. Your    task is to find the rays.
   1 With the exception of the last  adventure which is Quilled, all the games were written using theAdventure Building System (see  the review of ABS on Tape 4).
   1 Why is the hotel locked? How do you deal with a stubborn donkey?Who is the lady in the golden   cage?
   1 When Tarzan asks you who is   king of the jungle say FROG, butfor fun you could also try LION,BOSTAFER, ME, MORDON, JANE, or  TARZAN (do you know any more?). In return for the right answer  Tarzan will give you a small    green frog.
   1 We all know the story of the    ship found floating with not a  soul aboard - this is a space   version, with many treasure to  be collected, because THIS MarieCeleste is a pirate space-ship.
   1 Waring the gloves and carryingthe torch, rifle, card and      portable freezer, return to the communications room. Yes, you're
   1 Unlock and open the book and  the evil lich will be sucked    into the void within the book.  Drop the book and the wand and  take the mirror to the ante-roomwhere you should say KAZAM.
   1 Transport the laurels and go  SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH,WEST, WEST, NORTH, and NORTHEAST. You are   now in the Minotaur's lair. Killand skin him to find the last   part of Mordon's machine.       Transport it and sit back to    read the last six pages of text.
   1 To pass the octopus turn off  the lamp until you are safely   past him and then turn it back  on again. Transport the glowing metal object as well as the     golden doubloons that are to theEAST.
   1 To meet Mordon go EAST, NORTH,CLIMB DRAINPIPE, SOUTH, and     NORTH. He will tell you what    your mission would be if you    decide to accept it. It's best  to say yes because if you say
   1 To begin, unlock and open the   chest in the hut. Drop the key  (you will be doing a lot of     dropping in this game as you canonly carry four objects at any  one time) and get the knife.
   1 This must be carried at all   times, along with a plastic cardwhich, inserted into a slot,    opens lots of doors, including  the one in the brig. Once openeddoors stay open, but always     remember to get the card back   after use.
   1 This isn't actually a maze,   but if you go south then north  you may not return to the same
   1 This adventure is set in an     Egyptian tomb and your task is  to find and return garments and possessions beloning to two     mummies who were left naked     after their tomb was desecrated by vandals.
   1 They do not kill you, but     being thrown in the brig can
   1 There are no pirates on board,and where they are we are not   told, but it's not just a matterof collecting treasure. The shipis guarded by androids who      appear about every 30 moves.
   1 The wood is certainly magic asyou will discover when a witch  turns you into a big brown bear!You can go for a sleep in an    oyster bed and meet bats carry- ing table tennis bats.
   1 The winner, A LEITH of LONDON   won DRACULA.
   1 The title of 6 in 1, Tartan     Software's recent release, is   self explanatory - there are sixadventures on the tape.
   1 The solution to Competition 11  was 
   1 The order in which to press   the buttons are:- 
   1 Take the cigar on your way to the adamantium barrier. To pass you should remember what the    phone call you made said, you   needed PERSEVERANCE. Take the   machine unit and go back to the time machine.
   1 Take the blanket and then find  and take the newspaper. If you  read it you will see this head- line, ""ELDERLY LADY KIDNAPPED BYUNDERWORLD GANG - MOTIVE        UNKNOWN!"". This information willprove to be useful to her       nephew later on in the game.
   1 TROLL     (
   1 THE EXTRICATOR                
   1 TEXT      2
   1 Somewhere in the petrified    forest you will find a bronze   token. You must have this beforeyou can PRESS BUTTON to open thesteel door at the south end of  the canyon.
   1 Send for a copy now.
   1 Return to the utility room andyou have finished the game with a score of 100%.
   1 Return to the castle door and pick the lock. Once inside the  castle head west to the library where you can drop the needle,  diamond, and if you remembered
   1 Return to the ante-room in thefuture and make your way to the invisible barrier by the keypad.Spray the barrier with paint to find the number to deactivate   the force field. The number is  8875. Collect and transport the strange device.
   1 Retrace your steps andget the poison dart. Go south from the
   1 ROBIN OF SHERWOOD             
   1 Push the plate and go SOUTH   into an ante-room. Take the     geiger counter that is to the   EAST and return to the time     machine.
   1 Push the plate and go NORTH toa chalk hollow. Move the milk
   1 Pick up the portable freezer, then find the hydroponic garden north of the galley, where you  can get a pair of gloves. Dyme- thium ingots are very cold, and you won't be able to get them   unless you are wearing gloves.
   1 P.S. A word of warning - map    this game carefully. There is a LONG E/W corridor and a WIDE E/Wcorridor which are entirely     different locations. If these   aren't specifically marked, you could get yourself hopelessly   confused, as I did when I first played the game!
   1 On a visit to a zoo you pass    through a green door and find   yourself in a magic wood. The   object of the game is to find   your way back to the zoo.
   1 ODDS + ENDS
   1 Now you have the card, torch  and rifle you can wander around and pick up interesting treasuresuch as Denebian Whoogle Furs, aSirian Time Casket, a bottle of Canopian Elixir and a phial of  Booster Spice. Not forgetting
   1 Now go up to the bog and take the reed - if you go north from here you will end up in a maze, you can get out by using HELP   but don't use it more than once.
   1 Now go south and use the      mirror. Now is the part which   stumps a lot of adventurers.    Type 2878 (which is 1066 (from  the drawing of the Battle of    Hastings) + 1812 (the gramophonerecording)) and go south and getthe helm.
   1 Now go eastwards to the mount-ain pass and get the bulb. Southtwice then west will bring you  to a handy torch. Now go back tothe gorge and drop the board    which will allow you to cross toa cave entrance.
   1 Now follow these directions   carefully:- NORTH, NORTH, NORTH-WEST, CLIMB BOAT, DOWN, TAKE    AQUALUNG, NORTH, NORTH, NORTH,  SOUTHEAST, DOWN, NORTH, EAST,   and FILL AQUALUNG. You can now
   1 Now find the berries and the  thorns and together with the    bamboo MAKE BLOWPIPE. When you  meet the pygmy who offers you a meal don't say yes because its  his mother who's in the pot! Anddon't say no or he will take
   1 Now find and transport the    ingot of prythunium, Roman coinsand Cretan coins.
   1 NOT BAD    
   1 N,F;"CREDITS ":
   1 Membership is free. send a      S.A.E. for full details now.
   1 Make sure you don't miss an     issue of Spectrum Adventurer by taking a subscription at these  special prices.
   1 Light the torch and go NORTH  until you enter the jungle. To  pass the quicksand drop the     blanket over it. Take the ivory tusks and the bamboo. Transport tusks and they will be instant- aneously whisked away to the    house.
   1 LOADER    
   1 Knowledge which was handed      down by the Ancients,  and      faithfully recorded by the      Wise Ones.  This Knowledge      deals with the pastime  of
   1 Just for fun, when the robot    asks you what you want in the   telescript shop ask for POPULAR COMPUTING TOMORROW.               
   1 JEWELS OF BABYLON            
   1 It is Christmas Eve and you mustfind two special Christmas      presents for your children and  put them in their rooms. You cantake the role of either the     mother or the father - your
   1 Inside the time machine, answer the phone when it rings for a   cryptic clue about the pyrites. If you dial 1611 you will hear amessage which says ""A BARRISTER SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM WITH       PERSEVERANCE"". To operate the   time machine press the plate andan opening should appear to the NORTH or SOUTH. Go NORTH.
   1 Inside the cave complex you   will find a piece of the machinewhich you should transport back to the house. You need to climb over the rubble and drop the    transporter before you find the iron pyrites. To get the pyritesthrough the E/W crawl break     them. This will also have the   added bonus of finding a diamondinside them, transport it.
   1 Insert the battery into the   droid and go to the control     room at the EAST end of the     corridor. To enter just touch   the plate.
   1 In the modern workshop give   the paper to spiderman (yep, theold lady who has been kidnapped is his aunt). He will give you a
   1 If you would like to win the    adventure of your choice then   take a look at the scrambled    letters on the next page. All   you have to do is unscramble    them to reveal the titles of    three adventures.
   1 If you would like to receive anyof these maps simply send us a  large S.A.E. stating which maps you want.
   1 If you haven't already done   so, transport the machine unit  and drop the geiger counter,    remote control, and spray paint.Push the plate to return to the chalk hollow in Roman times.
   1 IN, SOUTH, then WEST twice    will bring you to a small ante- room with a metal door. EXAM    DOOR, then LOOK THROUGH WINDOW -you have found the pirates! Theyare locked up, so you can safelySWAP TOKEN for a Light Sabre,
   1 I am always eager to add to my  volumes anything concerning     adventures. If you have any mapsor solutions to any adventures  please send them to me care of  S.A. If I use them in the cavernyou will receive a three issue  subscription to the magazine.
   1 Here we are folks with yet      another free competition.
   1 He will now open the locked   cupboard for you and you will   find a transporter unit and a   torch.
   1 HEAVY ON THE MAGICK           
   1 Go straight into the arena andtake the sword and shield. A    gargantuan gladiator should now be running towards you so smoke the cigar. Caesar is so
   1 Go south, west, west and southand get yourself a rope. Drop   the knife and go north then headwest until you find a hook. Now go west and south. Tie rope and use rope to get a key.
   1 Go north until you find a pairof spectacles then return to thebog where you should drop the   mirror, but pick it up again    once you have placed the board  over the bog.
   1 Go north twice and say the    magic word again, and return to the library. Drop the mirror andget the diamond and insert it in
   1 Go down from the toilet and   sift the flour to find a key.   Leave the sieve and the sack andmake your way to the entrance   hall and go down then south     until you come to an ante-room.
   1 Go back to the temple and
   1 Get the torch and go W,N,U,W, S (mapping as you go of course!)to the captain's cabin where youwill find the plastic card. Headback to the utility room, but   stop in the long N/S corridor,  where you may have noticed a
   1 Get the communicator from the transport room, leave the card  here for the time being, enter  the booth and pretend you are   Captain Kirk (or Mr Spock, if   you like!), BEAM ME will trans- port you to a landscape of      jumbled rocks and petrified     forest.
   1 GOOD                                          
   1 Five 25p discount vouchers whichcan be used in our exchange clubwill be sent with each order.
   1 Finished with an adventure?
   1 Find the jewel encrusted      dagger somewhere in the forest  and from there you will find thefirst part of the machine if yougoSOUTHWEST, EAST, and EAST     again. Transport the device backto the house.
   1 Enter the reactor room (touch plate) and go to the lift. Touchthe plate to raise the lift and
   1 Elsewhere you learn that your husband worked hard laying the
   1 During this exploration you   will have heard footsteps, and  shortly thereafter, been
   1 Drop the bag and head north thenwest where you will find a      mirror. Move wesst and east and shine your torch on the mirror. Go east again and get some      stones. Now go west twice and   drop them.
   1 Drop the aqualung and press   the button on the remote controland a hole will appear in the   floor. Go down and give the     pyrites to the jester before    entering the adventure develop- ment room. When you leave the   room you will be given a part ofMordon's machine. Return to the time machine and transport it.
   1 Don't let it gather dust on a   shelf!
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Could you enter Castle Thade anddefeat the Lord of Darkness?
   1 CONCLUSION                      
   1 CODE      
   1 CASTLE BLACKSTAR             
   1 CASSETTE   
   1 C$="With Gift of the                Gab."
   1 C$="To Marie Celeste by J Rowe"
   1 C$="The Balrog                      controversy."
   1 C$="SUPPLIER: PIRANHA                         4 LITTLE ESSEX STREET           LONDON                          WC2R 3LF"
   1 C$="Plus our Top 10                 adventure chart."
   1 C$="Hints on Temple                 of Vran."
   1 C$="Guide to solving                Masters of the                  Universe."
   1 C$="An exciting adventure           with Dr Goo!"
   1 C$=" Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer   Published by S.A.E.C.                        4 Kilmartin Lane                CARLUKE                         Lanarkshire                     SCOTLAND                        ML8 5RT":
   1 C$="  If you would like to help       others via the helpline then    drop us a line stating which    adventures you have completed."
   1 C$="  Are you having problems with    an adventure? HELPLINE is a     free service which could save   you from death, destruction,    and much worse (if such a       thing is possible)."     
   1 C$="  All you have to do is write     to us with your problem and     we will do our best to help     you. Please include a S.A.E.    with your letter."
   1 Before you can use the rope,  you need to find a screwdriver,atube of glucose paste and a     cord. The screwdriver is in a   store-room north of the hospitalward - by the way, while you arein that area, pick up a portablefreezer from the operating      theatre and take it to the
   1 Before going west from the    communications room, drop the   screwdriver and check that you  only have the torch, card and   the rifle. Go WEST three times, get the cord and the pearls,    then go WEST twice to find your-
   1 Backnumbers and single issues   cost `2.00 (U.K.) `2.50 (Europe)`3.50 (Overseas) for each issue.
   1 BORED OF THE RINGS            
   1 At the well shaft WAIT twice  until the water rises up to the shaft's mouth.                    
   1 At the start of the game, I     (inventory) will show that you  are carrying an atmosphere      sampler. This can be dropped as soon as you have opened the     hatch, moved out into the       utility room and closed the     hatch, you can also drop your
   1 At the north end you will findanother treasure, Wollisium, andif you go IN to the cannibalisedspacecraft, you will be able to GET CAPSULE of anti-matter whichis also a treasure. In the same location there is an electronic device. This will open the safe
   1 ADVENTURE 5 (RED DOOR)          
   1 ADVENTURE 2 (OPEN DOOR)         
   1 A slightly harder one in which  you have to enter a glass house,find a certain door and cast a  spell. Problems include getting
   1 ;"The  Troll"
   1 ;"STOP THE TAPE":
   1 ;"SPECTRUM 
   1 ;"Press ""R"" to read again"
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY"
   1 ;"P-00{00} TAPE 15 
   1 ;"NUMBER OF ISSUES"        
   1 ;"NUMBER 13
   1 ;"EDITOR William Young":
   1 ;"AUGUST 1987"
   1 ;"3      6      12"
   1 ;"           June  Rowe":
   1 6 in 1 is an excellent tape for the novice adventurer. The firsttwo adventures are ideal for thebeginner and the other four can be enjoyed by even the most     seasoned adventurer. At less    than `1 for an adventure you    could do far worse than buy     this tape.
   1 6 in 1 came about after the   author Tom Frost had received   letters asking for help from    people who were obviously new toadventuring. So, 6 in 1 containsan introduction with advice on
   1 4 (GREEN DOOR)        
   1 3 (WHITE DOOR)        
   1 ................
   1 ''"This is the latest adventure    from the Quill of Fergus McNeil of Delta 4 fame.                  You are Mike Spillade, a New  York private detective, and, if you hang around your office,    you'll end up working on two    investigations."
   1 ''"STAR RATING   
   1 '"you leave your office you will  be blown to pieces on your      return.                           In order to drive about (and  you will have to do a lot of    driving) you must:- 
   1 '"if you win of course!). The     closing date for entries is the 11th SEPTEMBER 1987."
   1 '"her missing father. Shortly     after that a dog will pay you a visit. Being a detective you    soon discover that you have to  find pieces of a photograph     belonging to a Miss J Doe."
   1 '"a pig shaped safe with a keyholein a part of its anatomy not    normally associated with keys.    With regard to problem solvingI'm afraid puzzles are a bit    thin on the ground. The advent- ure is in three parts and there isn't a great deal to be done inany of them."
   1 '"U.K.        `5.00  `10.00 `18.00"
   1 '"The Dragonslayer  Andy MacGregor":
   1 '"STAR RATING   
   1 '"Overseas    `10.00 `18.00 `36.00"
   1 '"Once you've done that send your answer to us at S.A.E.C. along  with the name of the adventure  you would like to receive (only"
   1 '"Join our exchange club and swop it for another one. We probably have more adventures on our     books than you will find in yourlocal computer store.
   1 '"Europe      `7.50  `12.00 `24.00"
   1 '"Castle Thade is a two part, puretext adventure."
   1 '"   The Troll    Richard Batey":
   1 '"        Press ""Q"" to quit"
   1 '"         Jason Roseaman":
   1 '"         
   1 "chapel and go back to the barreland empty it, now take it to thelibrary and you will be able to reach a book."
   1 "believe it or not, says excavateso ...."
   1 "These are only some of the      questions you will ask yourself in this exciting adventure."
   1 "Leave the shovel and take the   board. Go east then north until you find a plastic bag."
   1 "  You will be given two cheques for taking these jobs and if youwant to stand a chance of solv- ing the game you had better     deposit them in your bank."
   1 "  Unfortunately to do this you  will have to carry out sequencesof events like:- 
   1 "  Sceptical 3 appears on the    tape which I'm glad to say      captures the humour we've come  to expect from Delta 4."
   1 "  I don't need to tell you what to do here, do I? No, good! Now get the magic wand from the"
   1 "  Go south then west to the     pantry and get the bag of flour.Going east, south and east will take you to a toilet where      pulling the chain will pay      dividends."
   1 "  Go down twice then west to theice pit and leave your torch. Goback to the cave entrance and   head south until you find some  salt, (make sure you have the   reed!). Now, back to the ice pitand use the salt."
   1 "  Get rid of the rope and go    north and east to the store hut.Once inside, you will find a    shovel. Take this to the canyon via north, west, south, south,  west and read the sign which,"
   1 "  First of all, a lady breaks   down your door to tell you about"
   1 "  East from here you will find ahaystack. Use the spectacles to find, yes, a needle. Get it and drop the specs. Now go south,   west, up, up and south to a     castle door where you should    leave the mirror and the bulb."
   1 "  Drop the reed and get the     griffin and say KAZAM. You      should now be in the rock       workers dwelling place. Drop thegriffin on the box to obtain a  diamond and insert the needle   into the gramophone and, if you are alert and familiar with     classical music, you will hear  what is supposed to be part of  the 1812 overture. Now get the  needle and leave the way you    entered."
   1 "  Come on Delta 4, you showed uswhat you are capable of doing   with The Colour of Magic. Let's have some more games of that    quality."
   1 "  Basically, what you have to doin this adventure is drive      around New York picking up cluesfrom various sources."
   1 "  As usual in a Delta 4 game,   there are split screen graphics and plenty of text. Regrettably their humour is not of their    normally high standards. They   rely on ""nudge, nudge"" type     jokes about dicks, dykes, and"
   1 "            
   1  adventuring and each month      I will open my chests with      a solid gold key and share      with you the Knowledge  to      be found in  these  tomes.
   1  You will have to   enter these commands repeatedly throughout the game which is a  bit of a nuisance to say the    least."
   1  Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer   Published by S.A.E.C.                        4 Kilmartin Lane                CARLUKE                         Lanarkshire                     SCOTLAND                        ML8 5RT
   1  URBAN UPSTART                 
   1  THE HELM                     
   1  THE BOGGIT                   
   1  SEABASE DELTA                 
   1  S.A.E.C. 1987
   1  Revisited":
   1  MOUNTAINS OF KET              
   1  MAFIA CONTRACT (PART 1)      
   1  MADCAP MANOR                  
   1  HAMPSTEAD                    
   1  FOOT ZURUE":
   1  1987 S.A.E.C."
   1  (open reactor room    door), 
   1  (open control room door).
   1  (decontaminate reactor room), and 
   1  (close reacor room     door), 
   1  (close      control room door), 
   1  (acivate  droid), 
   1     RESET YOUR COMPUTER AND          LOAD"""" FOR THE TROLL       
   1      TITLE: THE BIG SLEAZE                                      
   1         Z 
   1         Jd
   1             Greetings,                 fellow adventurers.            I am the Troll whose          cavern is full of chests       packed with leather bound       volumes of pure knowledge.
   1                      This is an easy one in which is set on a farm and you have to   find a diamond. It is also the  only adventure with graphics,   the rest being text adventures.
   1                                 Bp